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Unraveling The Unique Mindset That Made Justin Kimbrough The Elite Investor He Is Today

LAS VEGAS, NV / ACCESSWIRE / January 15, 2020 / How does one achieve true success and transform as many lives as possible in the process? Well, this was the question investor and serial entrepreneur Justin Kimbrough asked himself at the start of his journey to success.

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Justin Kimbrough is an entrepreneur who's helped hundreds of people scale their brands to six - eight figure businesses, and in this article, we uncover how he went from trading penny stocks to building successful business empires.
Subtle Beginnings
Kimbrough began his entrepreneurial journey at a very young age. He is one of the very few people who can proudly claim that they earned a six-figure status at the age of eighteen by trading penny stocks.
Although he gained huge success in the stock market, Kimbrough didn't let it end there, he set out to explore other industries such as e-commerce, software development, credit repair, digital marketing and, of course, real estate. His nomadic journey and curiosity to explore new horizons proved profitable and landed him in the ranks of the world's elite entrepreneurs.
Overcoming Obstacles
At first glance, it might seem that Kimbrough had a smooth start to his career but when you take a closer look, you will discover that he didn't; he faced a lot of obstacles.
As a young entrepreneur, problems were a daily affair in his life. He faced common entrepreneurial problems such as losses, low sales, and rejection from clients. Kimbrough also experienced more personal problems like the lack of funds to live a decent life and doubt from people close to him.
Apart from the obstacles he faced, Kimbrough denied himself a lot of things. He rarely hung out with friends, had a lot of nights and early mornings, and worked unimaginable hours every day just to make sure he achieved his dream.
Achieving Success
The world of business is an unforgivable place, so one might wonder how Kimbrough built a seven-figure empire from such a young age.
Well, the answer lies in his mindset. Kimbrough is a huge advocate of the universal laws of success and his good fortune in life is hugely attributed to these laws. Virtues such as the law of attraction, vibration and association along with self-discipline, dedication, hard work, and patience just to name a few that have helped his career soar.
At the outset, he made sure that he wasn't distracted by the materialistic things that were brought before him. This gave him a great advantage over other entrepreneurs and investors. He focused on his goals, sought out mentors to help guide him and developed his knowledge on areas where he lacked experience.
Your Network Is Your Net Worth
Building a successful empire will require you to build relationships and network with a lot of people, including fellow entrepreneurs, employees, and clients. Kimbrough has spent an ample amount of time developing solid relationships with his network. In a recent interview with him, he pointed out that relationships are extremely important.
"The goal isn't to have copious amounts of money, it's to have people, money is useless but people are powerful, you should never con your fellow human being because of money." - Kimbrough said.
But building relationships with someone you don't know can be quite gruesome, especially to entrepreneurs who don't have time to leave their offices. At a very young age, Kimbrough understood the importance of building relationships, he knew that the only way to get someone to hear you out was by offering enough value first. This was how he connected with most of his mentors. He also identified the people in his life who were not contributing to his goals and cut them off.
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People who are generally unproductive tend to rub off their outlook on life on anyone who decides to befriend them. And Kimbrough made it a staple to avoid them and other idle relationships with friends.
Making A difference
Kimbrough has been into business for over five years now and he's gradually transformed the lives of everyone who's come in contact with him. At the very start of his career, he pledged to himself not to achieve success solely for the purpose of making money, but also for the value he would add to people's lives.
He built his personal brand around this and hasn't faltered since then. And Unlike other individuals in the industry, his business model is genuine and transparent. He won't sell a product to a customer for the reason of making a profit, instead, he makes sure that the product is well crafted to meet the customer's needs, and if it's not, he doesn't force them to purchase.
In Recent Times
Kimbrough's future in the entrepreneurship/investment space seems to be very promising, when asked about how he intends to move forward, he states that he is doubling down on whatever efforts that have worked for him in the past and focusing on what truly matters; transforming the lives of everyone around him.
You can reach out to Kimbrough on his Instagram Page
Contact Details:Contact Name: Vance FundoraCompany Name: Fundora EnterprisesEmail: Contact@VanceFundora.comWebsite:
SOURCE: Vance Fundora
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Avoid these 4 mistakes if you’re filing for divorce

January is a popular month for couples to start consulting with attorneys about ending their marriages.
And because divorce is one of the most consequential decisions you will ever make — in both emotional and financial terms — it’s essential your interests are protected.
Avoid these four common mistakes if you’re planning a split with your spouse.
Don’t compare yourself to everyone else
One of the biggest mistakes people make when pursuing a divorce is seeking information about the divorce process — or the likely outcome of their own divorce — by comparing themselves to divorced family members and friends.
Even worse, many people look online and compare themselves to what they read from anonymous online sources, said Jeralyn Lawrence, a family law attorney with Lawrence Law in Watchung.
“It is often difficult to undo the preliminary `research’ clients conduct, as each divorce is different from the outcome of that of a friend, and it becomes a challenge to impress this upon someone who has taken advice from others who are not necessarily qualified to give it,” she said. “This tends to result in a skewed perception of how a divorce matter will proceed and could result in unrealistic expectations.”
Don’t wait to get a lawyer
People often become their own worst enemies, especially if they decide to count on their online research skills.
“The internet is full of information; some of is correct and some of it incorrect,” said David Carton, co-chair of the matrimonial and family law practice at Mandelbaum Salsburg in Roseland. “The worst situations that I see are people that come in to see me after they have signed an agreement resolving all issues and it is clear that they were taken advantage of financially.”
They are then faced with the unenviable task of trying to reopen their divorce case, he said.
Instead, make sure your rights are protected and hire an attorney to guide you through the process.
Consider other professionals, too
While a family law attorney is essential to protect your interests, other professionals can help with the process.
Consider meeting with a financial advisor who is also a certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA). Professionals with this designation have been trained to help people understand the short- and long-term money consequences of divorce.
“Understanding the financial and tax implications of divorce are extremely important as the decisions you make can impact your financial goals for a lifetime,” said Jody D’Agostini, a certified financial planner with The Falcon Financial Group in Morristown who also holds the CDFA designation. “It is important to consider the totality of your agreement."
But financial pros aren’t the only ones who can help.
D’Agostini said because divorce is a very emotional time, your ability to make analytical decisions can be hampered.
“I encourage individuals to work with a therapist so that they can move forward with a healthy attitude, feel empowered and ready for the next chapter of their life,” she said. “You want to be sure that you are okay for next year, five years from now, 10 years from now and throughout your lifetime.”
Don’t let emotions take over
Indeed, it’s easy to make emotional decisions during the divorce process, said Thomas Roberto, a family law attorney with Adinolfi, Molotsky, Burick & Falkenstein in Haddonfield.
“I encourage clients to try and put their emotions aside, which can sometimes be easier said than done, and view the choices they have to make as part of the divorce process as business decisions,” Roberto said. “In other words, I want my clients to make the smart decision for them and their children, not make decisions based on anger or frustration for their soon-to-be former spouses.”
Seeing divorce as a business transaction is a good strategy, said Ken White, a certified matrimonial attorney with Shane and White in Edison.
“With the exception of addressing issues of custody and parenting time, getting a divorce in New Jersey is the equivalent of a business transaction,” he said. “There are assets and liabilities to be accounted for, numbers to crunch and compromises to be negotiated.”
But if someone is consumed by revenge or is otherwise distracted by anger, a person going through a divorce cannot focus on the numbers and is not prepared to negotiate in good faith, he said.
Further, when emotions are raging, a parent may take unreasonable positions concerning setting a visitation schedule, White said.
“For example, when the parties were `happily married’ and one parent consumed alcohol socially neither party thought anything of it,” he said. “But during a heated, emotional divorce, one spouse may now take the position that the child(ren) are unsafe with the parent who has always consumed alcohol socially.”
He said this newfound distrust or concern can cause a simple divorce to take many more months to be finalized — and cost many more thousands of dollars than necessary.
Are you considering divorce? See whether January is really the most popular month for divorce, and stay tuned for coming stories about alternatives to traditional divorce and the newest trends for divorce in New Jersey.
Have you been Bamboozled? Reach Karin Price Mueller at Follow her on Twitter @KPMueller. Find Bamboozled on Facebook. Mueller is also the founder of

8 Harmful Habits That Drain Your Energy And How To Get Rid Of Them

Sometimes, it’s our little, harmful routines that break our success.
Our daily activities determine our lives.
Something that you occasionally do won’t fundamentally impact your life.
What you do every day, on the other hand, is what determines your long term lifestyle.
That’s why habits are so powerful and why more and more people are diving deep into habit building.
Throughout the last years, tons of research was conducted to figure out why we repeat certain things that harm us and how to build more positive habits.
As I am a personal growth enthusiast, I also paid a lot of attention to this topic.
First, I’ve read books and amazing articles. Then I consumed online courses. Once I mastered building great habits myself, I hosted workshops to support others in creating their routines.
While doing this for the past two years, I realized that sometimes it’s not about the habits that we are trying to build.
Sometimes, it’s our little, harmful routines that break our success.
Whatever success might mean to you, it is always a result of your daily actions.
What I discovered throughout the past months is that we often sabotage ourselves by repeating certain activities that are harmful to our success and wellbeing.
And often, eliminating these damaging activities is not that easy, as we’ve been practicing them for many years.
However, even eliminating or reducing just a few of these bad routines can help to increase your happiness, productivity, and success.
1. Don’t take things personally
Easier said than done, I know.
Yet, I discovered that taking things personally cost me hundreds of hours in the past years.
Especially in my relationship, I often feel offended, even if that’s not his intention.
Most of the time, people are not aiming to hurt or even offend you.
It’s ourselves who interpret a particular meaning to what people say.
Once you manage to stay neutral and stop putting negative meanings to the sayings of others, you will feel much happier and released.
The truth is that we are too selfish.
We tend to believe that we are the center of the universe. That’s why we take things personally instead of focusing on the facts.
Next time you feel offended by a statement, ask your conversation partner what he really meant.
In 99.99 percent of all cases, when they clarify their statement, you will realize that there is no personal assault against you.
Even if it sounds too simple, asking and talking are the most efficient and effective ways of understanding each other.
Communication is exceptionally versatile, and mistakes can happen all the time.
Instead of pondering what somebody might have meant, just ask.
2. Stop holding on to the past
Yes, one more of those cliché life-improvement tips.
You might know one of these studies stating that, on average, we have 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts crossing our minds per day.
These numbers are enormous, but what’s even more impressive is the following:
The majority of our thoughts are negative.
Hopefully, not yours and mine, but on average, the majority of people’s thoughts are negative.
They are either thinking about bad things that could happen in the future, or they are stuck in the past, spending their energy on negative happenings that they can’t change anyway.
Both cases are destructive.
However, if done correctly, thinking about the future can empower and motivate you. For example, if you have a strong vision and apply the law of attraction plus visualization techniques, thinking about the future can be a powerful tool to motivate yourself and attract what you desire.
Holding on to the past, on the contrary, doesn’t come with any benefits at all.
We can’t change what previously happened, so letting go of it is the smartest and most efficient thing to do.
What helps me to finish off with the past is taking some time to reflect on it.
By journaling and writing down all my thoughts and concerns, I can let go of previous events easily.
If you feel like a particular event in the past is still bothering you, sit down for a few minutes and write down all your thoughts.
Writing is much more powerful than thinking, as it allows us to structure our thoughts. Thus, it gets easier to see patterns and discover why something might still bother you.
Journaling about your past can be your holy grail for a more peaceful present.
3. Control your social media usage
For tons of people, social media is the number one reason for less joy and energy in their lives.
Yeah, it’s cool to browse through beautiful pictures on Instagram, but seriously: What good does it bring into your life?
Probably none.
I don’t say that social media per se is a bad thing. On the contrary, it’s fantastic, I love it. I am sharing stories on Instagram every day, and I love my community.
However, there’s a massive difference in how you use it.
Are you producing and sharing valuable content or just consuming what others share?
Does your newsfeed inspire you, or does it make you feel like crap?
When I open Instagram, I just see postings of people who inspire me.
I see motivational quotes, affirmations, and people living a life that I admire.
That’s cool because it inspires me to put my phone away and get back to work.
However, the bitter truth is that most people feel frustrated after scrolling through other’s pictures.
Why? Because (especially) Instagram is an entirely faked world.
Of course, people are uploading their biggest highlights, which are additionally photoshopped. And if you are sitting on your couch, wearing pajamas, surely you get frustrated when seeing how amazing the lives of others look like.
Comparing your normal life with other’s highlights won’t ever make you happy.
Focus on yourself.
Use social media to get inspired and to build deep connections, not to make yourself feel bad.
You can set specific timers on your phone that will pop up you once you exceed the usage of a platform, these are great reminders to take care of yourself and your energy.
For example, you can set 15 minutes for Instagram or Facebook, and once you surpass this number, you won’t access the platform for the rest of the day.
This might sound hard, however, by reducing your passive social media usage, you will have a clearer mind plus more time to invest in things that make you feel good.
4. Don’t overstress
Again, easier said than done, I know.
Yet, with a few simple strategies, it becomes easy to stress less.
As mentioned above, most of our stress is because we are not present at the moment. We are either concerned about the future or still stuck in the past.
If you are truly present at the moment, you will not feel any stress, and instead, express gratefulness for all the things that you have at this moment.
Breathing exercises are a straightforward and quick way of eliminating unnecessary stress and being present. Even just a simple deep breath can take away a few of your concerns. Just sit done quietly and take a few minutes to focus on your breathing. After some time, doing these exercises will become more comfortable and an essential part of your life.
Journaling is another excellent way of stopping your thoughts from sabotaging your happiness. By writing down what you think of, you release it. It becomes easier to let it go as it doesn’t bustle around in your head anymore.
By doing breathing exercises and journaling, you will quickly realize that overstressing does not make sense and harms your life. Plus, it will be much easier to let go of the negative and focus on the positive.
5. Take control of your sleep
Sleeping can be your number 1 productivity and energy booster.
Getting a great rest is inevitable for a happy, healthy life.
With just a few tips and tricks, you can quickly improve the quality of your sleep and life.
First of all, make sure to sleep enough. If you sleep four hours per night, no hack can save your energy.
Enough might mean something different for anyone. However, a minimum of six hours is required to regenerate your body and mind.
Sleep in darkness and silence. These two tips can improve the quality of your sleep tremendously. Especially if you are living in a big city, you are probably exposed to sleeping in rooms that are not entirely dark and silent.
However, there are two straightforward ways to solve this: If you can’t wholly darken your room, use a sleep mask. It’s cheap and easy, plus, you can take it with you wherever you go.
If your bedroom is not entirely silent, use earplugs. Also cheap and easy yet super effective.
What’s also important for a night of great sleep is what you do before going to bed.
For example, avoid eating big, fatty meals or doing excessive sports.
Instead, do calm activities. Like journaling, meditation, reading, or light yoga exercises.
6. Take control of your diet
What you eat has a significant impact on your energy level.
If you want to increase your daily power, changing your diet is one of the quickest and most powerful things to do.
Getting rid of processed, unhealthy foods is the first step.
Instead, choose more vegan options. Do a little research and find out which healthy options you like anyway and which you would like to try soon.
Additionally, make sure to stay hydrated. Drinking sufficient water is the perfect base for a stable and robust energy level.
7. Stop complaining all the time
Instead, practice gratitude.
If you want to complain, you will find negative aspects of your life all the time.
We are all just humans, and all of us are experiencing negative situations.
However, those who manage to focus on the good are happier and healthier.
Complaining about things without changing them only drains your energy.
Either take action or focus on the present moment by being grateful for everything that you have in your life.
Nobody likes to be around someone who constantly complains and spreads skepticism.
Don’t be the person who is spreading negativity, instead shine bright and spread positive vibes.
By doing so, you will be happier, and people are going to feel comfortable around you.
8. Stop pleasing others
Living your life according to the expectations of others is the safest way to be unhappy.
At the end of your life, you will look back at all the chances you didn’t take to make yourself happy.
In her book, “Top five regrets of the dying”, Bronnie Ware summarized the biggest regrets of people who were close to death.
Through her work as a palliative nurse, she was in touch with dying people every day, and she soon recognized that most of the regrets were repetitive.
At the end of their lives, people are often disappointed for the same reasons.
One of these regrets of dying people is:
“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
Spending too much time on pleasing others will cost you so much time and energy in your lifetime.
Start respecting yourself and saying no to things that you won’t be proud of at the end of your life.
Use every minute you have to increase your happiness and energy to live up to your own expectations. Instead of pleasing others, create your own magical life story.


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